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Made-to-measure asymmetrical post-operative bra - lace and comfort

1 year after the 1st crowdfunding, on June 5, 2023

Thanks to you, I was able to achieve my goal of outsourcing production to France.

Made-to-measure lace post-op bra

Everything that happened in 2023 =

  • I worked on the new protos

  • Directed an incredible photo shoot

  • Launched the 2nd collection

  • I even found my 1st retailer: Pemlab in Paris, the temple of feminine well-being.

Why has Asymétrio launched a crowdfunding campaign in 2023?

As an entrepreneur, when you launch a crowdfunding campaign, you have to realize that it's a lot of work!

So why put yourself through more work than you already have?

Made-to-measure asymmetrical post-operative bra - lace and comfort

In response to numerous questions and queries from entrepreneurs and friends and family alike, I thought it would be a good idea to put my crowdfunding story in writing. To show you what goes on behind the scenes of entrepreneurship and crowdfunding. But also how and why it can be really beneficial for a start-up brand.

Before even launching a crowdfunding project, it's essential to define the why and the how, and put a figure on it.

If we take the example of my brand, there were several investments made before launching crowdfunding :

  • Sewing machines

  • Computer

  • Telephone

  • Printer

  • Filing of articles of association

  • Registration with inpi

  • 1st stock of raw materials

  • Site: ecommerce, domain name

I launched a crowdfunding campaign because I needed funds for the new prototypes, but also to be able to delegate production.

Today, Asymétrio has an e-commerce site and sells 1 style of bra and 4 styles of stockings online. This isn't enough to differentiate ourselves from the competition, despite our unique brand identity. I need to offer my customers more choice. What's more, I'm single-handedly managing my entire business: production, pattern-making, stock management, raw materials purchasing, administration, communication ....

The more sales, the better it is for Asymétrio, but there aren't enough hours in the day to manage everything.

Once I've identified Asymétrio's needs, it's time to put a figure on the kitty's objective :

  • How much will the raw materials for the prototypes cost me ?

  • How much to send the prototypes to my testers ?

  • How much for the final shoot ?

  • How much for new lace from suppliers ?

  • How much does it cost to delegate sewing?

How does crowdfunding work ?

It's important to know that contributors can make one-off donations or purchase a matching gift.

One-off donations are clearly pennies that the contributor gives because he or she supports and believes in your project.

Matching gifts are the products you sell via the crowdfunding platform. If you haven't yet created your product and are just launching your project, don't worry, you can indicate a delivery date over several months or even the following year.

If you've reached your fundraising goal, once it's closed, you'll need to make arrangements in advance to send out your rewards and respect the deadlines. Keep your contributors informed, from product creation to shipment, and don't forget to thank everyone once a contribution has been made.

If you don't reach your fundraising goal, all contributors are reimbursed and you have 0€. So set yourself an achievable goal. The platform takes care of all refunds, so there's no cost to you.

Always have a plan B

When you create your crowdfunding project, you need to be determined and motivated to reach your goal. This objective involves several steps.

If we take the example of Asymétrio, which has reached its 1st objective, I'll be able to work on the new protos and offer 5 new current products next year.

My 2nd objective is to delegate production. This objective was not achieved on KissKissBankBank, but it's still my 2nd strategic objective. You have to think ahead!

I chose KissKissBankBank because they offer 3 “packages”.

  • 0%: You create your kitty on your own.

  • 6%: You have an advisor who guides, explains and advises you throughout your crowdfunding.

  • 12% : More intensive coaching with the advisor

All percentages are inclusive of tax and all fees are included: those of the platform and the bank.

I chose the 6% commission because I had no idea how crowdfunding worked. Coming from a communications/marketing background, I already had my own ideas for launching this campaign. The advisor was a great help! As for the strategy and his responsiveness to all my questions, I'd like to thank him again.

The percentages include VAT and all fees: those of the platform and the bank.

I chose the 6% commission because I had no idea how crowdfunding worked. Coming from a communications/marketing background, I already had my own ideas for launching this campaign. The advisor was a great help! As for the strategy and his responsiveness to all my questions, I'd like to thank him again.

If you have any further questions about crowdfunding, I advise you to contact an advisor directly. That's what I did before signing up on a crowdfunding platform. You need to ask yourself the right questions, define an amount and set strategic milestones.

Another fight for Asymetrio is scheduled for October 2024

Made-to-measure lace post-op bra

1 year since Asymétrio broke the codes of imposed sizes, 1 year since I've been talking about asymmetrical breasts and people associating it with breast cancer. To be honest, I created Asymétrio for myself, and all the products in my brand are actually pieces I dreamed of having in my wardrobe. I've often been asked if I make post-operative bras. I didn't feel legitimate, I didn't “want to trade on women's health”. For 1 year, I expressed this feeling to the people around me, to my customers, until one day, there was one testimonial too many, the one that moved me. The one that reminded me that we were talking about 735,790 women in France. We all know at least one. In the last 1 year, I've unfortunately met more than one. When you're not directly affected, you don't realize how hard it is. How vulnerable you feel to life. You lose control of certain things. Even if you're strong and well surrounded, you're on your own. You have to roll up your sleeves and fight. It's with these women and their demands, because you can't stop valuing yourself, that I want to develop my brand. For these women, those who have to get up every morning and live their day as an ordinary day and fight this battle, the battle of a lifetime, I'm going to create the post-op bra. Designed with them in mind, so that the seams are well placed and ensure extreme comfort. But above all, a SEXY bra! A bra that's not basic, an asymmetrical or symmetrical bra, that will give you the energy to accomplish anything in your day. A made-to-measure bra that lives with you, is thought out for you and is sewn to your morphology.

We never stop being women, despite the knocks of life.

Breast reconstruction or not.

In 2013, 50% of women who underwent a mastectomy subsequently requested surgical reconstruction to have 2 breasts, and 50% decided to remain with one breast.

Why not? Why don't you want to have a reconstruction? Why do you want the same breasts at all costs?

You know who was one of the first to refuse breast reconstruction ?

Back in the 80s, an Afro-American poet, Audre Lorde, underwent a mastectomy after the discovery of breast cancer. The day after her mastectomy, a nurse offered her a prosthesis, but she refused. From this point of view, she prefers to focus on the function of her body, rather than its appearance.

This is not the case for all women. This operation can be seen as a way of (re)defining oneself, or “reappropriating one's body”, as if to regain possession of one's body, or one's identity.

It's really specific to each woman, her experience, how she feels in the moment, how she deals with the situation and how she copes to continue living her daily life!
Made-to-measure lace post-op bra

It's for all those women, those incredible women, but also those women who have undergone breast surgery, breast augmentation or breast reduction. For all those women, we're going to create the after bra. The after you can't wait to live life to the full !

Why October ?

Because it's breast cancer awareness month.

The figures are in, and they're heavy. In France, there will be 61,214 new cases in 2023, a figure that has risen by more than 1% since 1990. It is estimated that one woman in 8 will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. According to the French National Cancer Institute, screening (detecting an abnormality before symptoms appear) is strongly recommended. This means better treatment and a greater chance of recovery. This examination is based on mammography and other clinical examinations of the breasts, such as self-palpation.

☝🏼 Not all nodules lead to cancer. In fact, at the age of 23, I myself had a breast nodule. Counting my age and lack of previous history, I was initially asked to have a breast ultrasound (not a mammogram). As with most women between the ages of 20 and 30, my nodule was benign and disappeared 2 years later.

The figures presented above testify to the fact that we all know, in one way or another, women who will be affected by breast cancer. I did this on the weekend of June 22-23, 2024, at the Mademoiselle Violette event ( Of the 35 women I met, 4 were suffering from cancer and had already experienced, or were still experiencing, this battle.

Every woman needs to feel comfortable and in tune with her body

Asymmetrical breasts or not, we all have different morphologies. Like a wonder woman's cape, the after bra is comfortable, made-to-measure and SEXY! Because we never stop being women, despite life's misfortunes.


Every purchase, every donation, will go directly to the fund for the creation of the post-operative bra. You can contribute from €10 to €140

  • Chouchou

  • Stockings: Tanga/adjustable panties + Tanga/invisible panties + menstrual panties

  • Custom triangle bra + balconnet

  • Custom-made post-operative bra

Embroidered laces are online on crowdfunding, different from the site, exclusive to crowdfunding.

Bra creation schedule from :

  • September/October : Testing of capsule collection prototypes.

  • November : Validation of prototypes and purchase of raw materials.

  • December : Photo shoot and product launch on our respective websites.

  • January : Production of made-to-measure post-operative bras.

  • February, month of love : Delivery of orders and communication campaign in which we address the often taboo subject of sexuality with cancer.

Tailor-made, comfortable and elegant! That's the promise we want to keep this October.

This revolution, which we will have made together, together to break the codes, to free women's words in the face of the complexes of asymmetrical breasts following a mastectomy or lumpectomy.

Everyone is concerned!

Are you still wondering why Asymétrio is going all out to create this postoperative bra ?

The bra revolution is here.

Thanks to the many testimonials from women who have undergone a mastectomy, I set about creating the after bra. I hesitated for a long time before realizing this project, because I didn't want to market women's health and didn't feel legitimate.

It was thanks to meeting these women that we kept in touch and exchanged ideas on the perfect post-operative bra!

A bra that is the most suitable, comfortable, elegant and, above all, made-to-measure.

Created by women for women.


Clémence, founder of Asymétrio, takes you on a journey from day 1 of the crowdfunding launch. Week by week, she'll be lifting mountains to reach her goal !


WEEK 1 =

The launch of the crowdfunding campaign for the bra d'après went live on Asymétrio's 1st birthday.

1 year is a reason to celebrate, we've come a long way, and for this occasion we're continuing to revolutionize the world of lingerie.

WEEK 2 =

Here's some news I'm not at all happy about: I'm having to raise bra prices. In the video, I explain the steps involved in the latest validation process for larger sizes, the difficulty of financing and the latest updates on the site, in particular with the size simulator.


WEEK 3 =

Busy week of meetings, calls, emails, etc., to get the word out about the crowdfunding project, I'm taking you along with me this week.


WEEK 4 =

Big news: women can pre-order the next bra. In keeping with the campaign's financial challenges, new contributions are now online, including the pink october pack.

WEEK 5 =

I'm taking you with me on a connected week! Between podcast and live on Instagram, I show you the ups and downs of being an entrepreneur.


More this Sunday !

Every Sunday at 6 p.m., I show you the day-to-day development of crowdfunding and everything that goes into achieving the goal and breaking the codes !

WEEK 6 =

I'm quitting vlogs! I'll explain everything.

👉🏻 More on the youtube channel =

👉🏻 Behind the scenes on insta =

👉🏻 To contribute to crowdfunding and revolutionize the world of lingerie =

We're not giving up! The feedback will be positive for September!

I can't wait for everyone to get back from vacation, so I can get that feedback. Associations, mutual insurance companies and businesses - everyone is concerned. This project to create a made-to-measure lace post-operative bra is a first. There is no other bra of this style on the market today. From a customization point of view, especially for asymmetrical breasts. But also from an aesthetic point of view. Post-operative bras today are still too medicalized. It's a real revolution in the world of lingerie! It's an innovation that I'd like to propose to private and public organizations with the same values as Asymétrio, offering them the chance to take part in this adventure! Be the 1st!

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