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How crowdfunding works ?

Contributors can make donations or buy your products in return.

Donations are the funds that contributors give because they support and believe in your project.
The consideration is the product that you sell on the crowdfunding platform. If you haven't yet created your product and are just launching your project, don't worry, you can indicate a delivery date over several months or even the following year.

If you've attained your objective, once the fund is closed, you need to organise the dispatch of the rewards in advance and respect the deadlines. Keep your contributors informed, from the creation of the product to its dispatch, and don't forget to thank everyone once a contribution has been made.
If you don't achieve your objective, all the contributors will be refunded and you'll have €0. So fix yourself an attainable goal. The platform takes care of all the refunds, so it doesn't cost you anything.

Always have a plan B
When you start crowdfunding, you need to be determined and motivated to attain your goal. This objective involves several steps.
If we take the example of Asymétrio, which has attained its 1st objective, I'll be able to work on new prototypes and offer 5 new products next year.
My 2nd objective is to delegate production. This objective was not achieved on KissKissBank, but it's still my 2nd strategic objective. You have to think in advance!

Platform commission depends on where you go. I chose KissKissBankBank and they offer 3 "packages".
  1. 0%: You create your own fund alone.

  2. 6%: You have an advisor to guide you, explain the process and help you throughout the crowdfunding process.

  3. 12% : Coaching with the advisor is more intensive

The percentages include VAT and all costs: those of the platform and the bank.
I chose the 6% commission because I had no idea how crowdfunding worked. Working in communications/marketing, I already had my own ideas for launching this campaign. The advisor was a great help! I'd like to thank him again for his strategy and his responsiveness to all my questions.

You probably have other questions about how crowdfunding works, so I'd recommend that you contact an advisor directly. That's what I did before signing up to a crowdfunding platform. You need to ask yourself the right questions, define an amount and the strategic stages.

After receiving questions from entrepreneurs and people around me, I thought it would be a good idea to write down my experience of crowdfunding (in 3 parts).
To show you what goes on behind the scenes in entrepreneurship and crowdfunding. But also how and why it can be really beneficial for a brand just starting out. I'll tell you 👉🏻 why I decided to set up a crowdfunding.

As far as the communication strategy is concerned 👉🏻 see you next Wednesday, 1 November, I'll be revealing to you from A to Z, date by date, all the action plans I've put in place, and what has been relevant or not.
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