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Asymetrio launches its 1st crowdfunding campaign for its new made-to-measure and asymmetrical lingerie collection

Why did Asymétrio launch a crowdfunding campaign?

French lingerie crowdfunding

As an entrepreneur, when you launch a crowdfunding campaign, you have to realize that it's a lot of work!

So why give yourself any more work than you already have ?

Asymetrio launches its 1st crowdfunding campaign for its new made-to-measure and asymmetrical lingerie collection

Following numerous questions and interrogations from entrepreneurs and those around me, I thought it would be a good idea to put my crowdfunding story in writing. To show you what goes on behind the scenes of entrepreneurship and crowdfunding. But also how and why it can be really beneficial for a start-up brand.

Even before launching a crowdfunding project, it's essential to define the whys and wherefores and put a figure on it.

If we take the example of my brand, there were several investments made before launching crowdfunding :

  • Sewing machines

  • Computer

  • Telephone

  • Printer

  • Filing of articles of association

  • Registration with inpi

  • 1st stock of raw materials

  • Site: ecommerce, domain name

I launched a crowdfunding campaign because I needed funds for the new prototypes, but also to be able to delegate production.

Today, Asymétrio has an e-commerce site and sells 1 style of bra and 4 styles of stockings online. This isn't enough to differentiate ourselves from the competition, despite our unique brand identity. I need to offer my customers more choice. What's more, I'm single-handedly managing my entire business: production, pattern-making, stock management, raw materials purchasing, administration, communication ....

The more sales, the better it is for Asymétrio, but there aren't enough hours in the day to manage everything.

Once I've identified Asymétrio's needs, it's time to put a figure on the kitty's objective :

  • How much will the raw materials for the prototypes cost me?

  • How much to send the prototypes to my testers?

  • How much for the final shoot?

  • How much for new lace from suppliers?

  • How much does it cost to delegate sewing?

Do your calculations !

How does crowdfunding work?

French lingerie crowdfunding

Contributors can make one-off donations or purchase a matching gift.

One-off donations are clearly pennies that the contributor gives because he or she supports and believes in your project.

Counterparts are the product(s) you sell via the crowdfunding platform. If you haven't yet created your product and are just launching your project, don't worry, you can indicate a delivery date over several months or even the following year.

If you've reached your fundraising goal, once it's closed, you'll need to make arrangements in advance to send out your rewards and respect the deadlines. Keep your contributors informed, from product creation to shipment, and don't forget to thank everyone once a contribution has been made. If you don't reach your fundraising goal, all contributors are reimbursed and you have 0€. So set an achievable goal. The platform takes care of all refunds, so there's no cost to you.

Always have a plan B

When you create your crowdfunding project, you need to be determined and motivated to reach your goal. This objective involves several steps.

If we take the example of Asymétrio, which has reached its 1st objective, I'll be able to work on the new protos and offer 5 new current products next year.

My 2nd objective is to delegate production. This objective was not achieved on KissKissBankBank, but it's still my 2nd strategic objective. You have to think ahead!

Platform commissions, it all depends on where you go. I chose KissKissBankBank, they offer 3 “packages”.

  1. 0%: You create your fund on your own.

  2. 6%: You have an advisor to guide, explain and advise you throughout the crowdfunding process.

  3. 12% : Coaching with the advisor is stronger

The percentages include VAT and all fees: those of the platform and the bank.

I chose the 6% commission because I had no idea how crowdfunding worked. Coming from a communications/marketing background, I already had my own ideas for launching this campaign. The advisor was a great help! As for the strategy and his responsiveness to all my questions, I'd like to thank him again.

I'm sure you have other questions about how crowdfunding works, so I'd advise you to contact an advisor directly. That's what I did before signing up on a crowdfunding platform. You need to ask yourself the right questions, define an amount and set strategic milestones.

Tips before : ACTION PLANS

Crowdfunding usually lasts 35 days. Every day counts. The campaign is intense, but when you have everyone's support, it's all the more motivating.

Before communicating, you need to create visuals that make an impact: design counts! (It's best to prepare everything in advance).

1/ Create visual designs with the same graphic charter (same color, same typeface, and put your logo on each of these visuals): Image + txt, not just text. It has to be legible and understandable at a glance. This applies not only to the visuals you integrate into your crowdfunding profile, but also to social networks, the press and all the other communication channels you use.

It's also essential, even mandatory, to indicate what the crowdfunding will be used for. It's a question of principle, transparency and trust: Purchase of materials? Machine? Premises? etc. Tell your story and your projects, right to the end.

Once you've got the visuals: GO!

2/ It is recommended that you obtain 20% of the fund before communicating your project to the general public. So start by talking about it to those around you, even before you put your campaign online. Give yourself ten days or so to obtain 20% of your prize fund, by communicating it first to your close friends, family, colleagues, etc. (Make a fairly simple forecast before indicating the amount of the prize fund - it's not enough to launch a crowdfunding project, it has to be feasible).

Have you reached the 20% mark? It's time to let the public know !

3/ It's with the utmost transparency that I reveal to you, date by date, the different communication plans I've put in place. Before I start, I didn't choose a 35-day period because I launched the crowdfunding campaign in June, and during the summer, people are less present.

What works or doesn't work for my brand doesn't mean it won't work for your brand. It all depends on your field of activity. At the very least, I hope I've given you some ideas for your campaign :)

How did Asymétrio launch a crowdfunding campaign ?

Asymetrio launches its 1st crowdfunding campaign for its new made-to-measure and asymmetrical lingerie collection


June 3 = Crowdfunding 60€

Internal communication with friends, family and fellow entrepreneurs.

June 12 = Crowdfunding 800

I've reached the 20% mark! Now I'm giving it my all to reach the final goal, by communicating it to the general public.

1/ I'm asking friends and family to share the visuals on social networks, adding the crowdfunding link.

= a + for brand visibility, a big ++ for support and motivation, but also a big + for donations from friends and family.

2/ My editorial line strategy for publications in June and September (I'm not counting the summer period, when the community is less present):

  • Instagram: 1 post + 1 reel + an average of 5 stories / day

  • Facebook: 1 post + 1 reel + an average of 5 stories / day

    (don't forget to link these 2 networks via meta business, so that when you post on one, the other also posts automatically)

  • Tiktok: 3 videos / day

  • LinkedIn: 1 post / every day of the week (Monday to Friday)

  • Pinterest : 1 post / every Wednesday and weekend

Youtube : 1 shorts / day + 3 crowdfunding videos (presentation of the project, what the funds will be used for, thanks and behind-the-scenes news about your brand thanks to the objectives reached)

+ And don't forget to use the # for referencing, and also to identify @KissKissBankBank, because they too will share the info in a story.

You can see the amount of content I had to post, so you understand why you have to plan the visuals in advance.

= A + for the visibility of my brand, a presence on the networks is essential, a + for new subscribers, a + for new donations and contributions.

3/ I've also requested a logo: from the Chambre de Métiers et de l'artisanat. This gives it legitimacy with contributors to the KissKissBankBank platform (it's free, you just need to make the request to your CMA and the referent will have you certified by the platform, so make sure you get it in advance - it took 2 weeks for me). I then shared the information via social networks.

= A + for the visibility of my brand, in other words I didn't get any more donations or contributions.

4 / Get out there and talk about your project !

In addition to your digital strategy, add “word of mouth” to your action plan!

I've taken part in several afterwork events, organized by private organizations as well as by my local CCI. Meet other entrepreneurs who understand you. I'm never disappointed, it's always very enriching and always gives you lots of ideas.

= A + for the visibility of my brand, a big ++ for word-of-mouth, a + for additional donations, and a huge ++++ for the realization of other projects over time.

5/ I tried advertising on the insta and fbk social networks, but it didn't work. The reason: I only paid 10€ for 1 week of advertising. It's advisable to spend much more to get a return on your investment. But the aim is not to spend more on the crowdfunding campaign.

= A big - for donations and contributions, but a + for visibility on my site, and a + for new subscribers on the networks.

6/ After taking part in an entrepreneurial competition, I was awarded a financial grant, which I used to send out flyers. I was able to target: women, with a decent income, in Ile de France and Paris. Of course, I also added the QRcode. Essential for ease of navigation for customers, but also for tracking purposes.

= Un - pour les dons et contributions, un + pour la visibilité de ma marque et les nouveaux abonnés sur les réseaux.

I've also placed a few flyers in women's wellness boutiques: beauticians and hairdressers.

= A + for donations and contributions, a big + for the visibility of my brand and new subscribers on the networks.

It also brought me a few contributors and sales on my website. And why? Because the stores are better targeted and respond to specific customer requests. But with the mailings, the target was broader and I certainly wasn't meeting a specific need.

7/ I also contacted the République de Seine et Marne, which published a press article as well as a digital one, which I relayed on the networks as well as on the website. As it's local, it's more appreciated, plus we're talking about craftsmanship and made in France.

= A + for donations and contributions, a big + for my brand's visibility and new subscribers on the networks.

June 18 = Crowdfunding 830

8 / I have re-deposited flyers in stores and also in a lingerie store specializing in medical lingerie.

= A - for donations and contributions, a big + for the visibility of my brand and new subscribers on the networks, a big + for future projects with professionals.

9 / I tried advertising again on the network: tiktok: 3 days 5€: it didn't work, AT ALL!

= A - for donations and contributions, a big - for brand visibility and new subscribers on the networks.

June 26 = Crowdfunding 830

10/ Publication in the local newspaper: Le moniteur, less impactful than La république de Seine et Marne , but the local press brings a lot of visibility to my brand. As I'm sometimes censored on the networks, the algorithm blocks the distribution of some of my content.

= A - for donations and contributions, a big + for my brand's visibility and new subscribers on the networks.

11 / One last time, I bet on LinkedIn network advertising: 3 days of video advertising: 10€. Better results than tiktok, but the same analysis as Insta and Facebook.

= A - for donations and contributions, but a + for my brand's visibility on the crowdfunding site and profile.

12 / CMA logo received: com on networks.

= A - for donations and contributions, but a + for my brand's visibility on the crowdfunding profile.

13 / Crowdfunding stagnates: the vacations are coming! And that's normal. No worries. We're getting ahead of ourselves. I'm slowing down on publishing content and taking the opportunity to create new visuals.

July 3 = Crowdfunding 830

14/ I took part in a craft market, raising awareness of my brand and distributing flyers = A - for donations and contributions but a + for visibility on networks and subscribers.

15 / Publication of a digital article by the CCI, which I relayed on my website and social networks.

= A - for donations and contributions but a + for visibility on the site and networks, a + for subscribers, a + for upcoming pro projects.

16/ On my site, you can see that I've integrated a chat, to facilitate exchanges with my customers.

For this crowdfunding period, I've personalized the content by also adding the crowdfunding link.

= A - for donations and contributions, but a + for the visibility of the crowdfunding profile.

17/ To mark the occasion, I also launched a special offer: 1 set bought, 1 gift offered. An exclusive offer on KKBB (so as not to compete with my site). I also added the links of each crowdfunding product sheet to each product sheet on my site, indicating the promotion. The difference with crowdfunding is also the delivery, which was set for the end of October (on the site it's 3 weeks max).

= A - for donations and contributions, but a + for the visibility of the crowdfunding profile.

Some people prefer to buy directly from the site rather than the crowdfunding platform, because it's not common and some are reluctant.

July 10 = Crowdfunding 1306€ 

18 / The kitty has doubled! 💪🏻 The repercussions of our action plans have borne fruit!

You see, it takes at least 1 month to get the word out about your project, so don't waste any time, start communicating before you even launch your campaign.

19 / Publication in the L'Éclaireur article that I relayed on my blog/site and on social networks.

= A - for donations and contributions but a + for visibility on the site and networks, a + for subscribers.

20 / I then contacted professionals: retailers in nearby towns + podcasts + social network accounts, in the Feminine/Health/Wellness field. In order to share the info on their networks and with their customers, and possibly take advantage of it to make future collabs.

= A - for donations and contributions, but a + for visibility on the site and networks, and a + for subscribers.

Although you can imagine that not everyone responded, some entrepreneurs I know, who are also motivated by my project, gladly re-shared the information.

July 16 = Crowdfunding 1386

I can see from the analyses and statistics that there's less activity. I'm still actively publishing on the networks, but there are no campaigns or action plans to put in place. Don't forget the # referencing and to identify @KKBB for repartage on the networks.

August's month = Crowdfunding 1386

The kitty stagnates : the vacations are here! We're taking advantage.

I'm slowing down on publishing content and taking the opportunity to create new visuals.

October 3 = Crowdfunding 1574

21/ Asymétrio featured in the Gala article.

= A small + for donations and contributions, but a big + for visibility on the site and networks, a + for subscribers and a + for credibility with pros and customers.

October 12 = Crowdfunding 1797€  

22/ Extensive publications before the end of the crowdfunding period, on all networks

= A + for donations and contributions, a + for visibility on networks and crowdfunding profile

23/ E-mails to customers and prospects

= A small + for donations and contributions, a + for visibility on networks and the crowdfunding profile

October 13 = Crowdfunding 3081€ 

24/ And then came the unbelievable, unexpected boost! Asymétrio has been selected for the Coup de coeur du mois for October 2023 by the Banque Postale and KissKissBankBank.

= A great PR coup for my brand! A + for donations and contributions, a + for network visibility and crowdfunding profile!

I hope I've helped you with your launch, or with your questions :)

It's a big job, but support through donations and messages of encouragement is a real motivational boost when it comes to creating a brand.

Go behind the scenes of my brand Asymétrio !

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